söndag 2 februari 2014


I have now arrived to my new home in Castanet!

It's really nice and my landlord is too. She took me on a tour of the town the first thing she did. She showed me my store, my boulangerie, my gym, where I work, and how I go there in the fastest way. So now I'm all set! Tonight we're going to have dinner together. It's good that we're in France though, the combination of my lack of sleep and my slightly retarded french (for the moment at least) could otherwise have lead to many awkward silences. 

boring picture of clouds, but I love looking down at clouds instead of up!

My room! 

Nice little kitchen, with the blue little book where we write notes to each other in case we don't meet.

And the living room, full of cat protections for when Bali is visiting.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Det ser jättefint ut! Du kommer säkert att trivas som fisken i vattnet! :-D

  2. Det både hörs och ser trevligt ut, puss o kram mioster Nettis,
