måndag 24 mars 2014

Regular weekend

My weekend was calm and nice. Except for the loud trance music during the LesMills classes...

The weather was quite bad this weekend so I mostly stayed at home watching series and movies and ate popcorn. Saturday started with a morning CAF however, and was followed by a BodyPump class. Later that evening, I had dinner with my tennant, her daughter and her boyfriend which came over before leaving for a month at La Réunion and it was really nice. On Sunday morning at 9.30 it was time for the BodySculpt class, followed by an hour BodyCombat and an hour of stretch class. I really love this kind of work out and I especially love it because you get results from it very fast. 

I'm really having cat cravings right now. I need something flyffy to hug and kiss in my life or else I'm not happy. It's good I'm going to Bléré for the weekend to visit my dear family, even though Tigrou isn't the cuddliest cat. Oh well, I will have to settle for human hugs ;). I at least get to skype with my two fluffy loved ones. Which they obviously like alot. 

Yes so I told you it was raining this weekend. And in Castanet you are obviously not very used to massive amounts of rain. So I swam across the garage with the superbike in order to go to the gym. That's about the most action there has ever been during my stay in this building. I live a peaceful life in other words. 

So, that was the weekend. What happens now? Today was the first day of the intense kit week. The new batch of rabbit kits were born this weekend so there is a lot to do during the week (weighing, identifying, adoptions, and so on). So that is fun! Except for the early mornings... Other than that I am now (I think) getting the hang of the statistical analysis program R, which is quite cool, because it's confusing and hard, but quite nice when you get the hang of it. As... basically everything else in life I suppose. 

After my whole day of getting the hang of (fighting with) R, I went to my CAF and BodyCombat class, which was fun but, as usual, the floor around me looked a little like the garage of my building above. I also got starstruck after the class when my favorite instructor came up to me and asked me my name. We talked a little, I told her how cool she was (yes I'm 12 years old) and she told me she was happy I went to her classes and that it's people like me that makes it worth to be an instructor (because she thinks I'm good, wow). Haha. 

So all happy after the chat with my idol, I forgot to put the music on play on my iPhone before biking away. So there I go, downhill, it's raining, and I think "mwell, I have the time pushing play AND skipping to the song I feel like listening to before the downhill goes to steep". I start to brake (hand brakes of course, since it's montain bike land, as previously explained), with the left hand brake. Before I have the time to think "front wheel brake in downhill with iPhone in one hand, computer bag on the back and rain" I, very graciously of course, start my slow motion fall, with all of these things in mind. Ringt foot on the ground, right hand lifted up in the sky (to protect iPhone of course, you have to have your priorities right...), left hand straight into someones garden bushes (helplessly grasping for anything to hold on to), left foot put down on the ground, recieving all of the bike on my fore leg, which pushes me forward, I (graciously) jump over the bike and leave it to it's destiny, catch my computer bag, iPhone still safe in right hand, part of the bush in the other, and I land. iPhone okay, computer okay, I'm okay (except for the 3-4 bruises my legs are goint to get and the huge bump on my foreleg), and bike is on the ground, wheels are spinning and everything, the chain got lost, and some electric thing that was on it had to be clicked back on. ACTION at it's best might I say. It didn't improve things when I laughed by myself like a crazy person the whole way home...  

Anyway, on Thursday I'll go to the farm to make my observations (together with Laurianne this time) and I will then go home a bit early, catch a bus at 4 and after 2 metros, 2 trains and a car ride I will finally be in the splendid company of my wounderful family! I. Am. So. Excited.

Now, some Sopranos, then sleep.

tisdag 18 mars 2014

Time flies!

First of all, my rabbit kits have grown. They have grown so big that they are now weaned from their mothers. They are now transfered into cages with same sex siblings and they will stay there for about three to four months until they gain their adult weight. They are very vivid and play alot with each other. They also like to play with the staff of the farm since they learn pretty quickly how to jump out of the nest and down to the floor when the staff is handling them or their mother. It gives me a good laugh to see one baby rabbit create so much action in the, otherwise very quiet, rabbit fam. A rabbit is quick, and a baby rabbit is small. This is a bad combinaton for the staff, but a good combination for me. They also learn very quickly how to drink and from their mothers water dispenser, which is situated a little bit too high up in the cage for the kits. All you have to do is use a fellow kit, put him/her in the right spot, climb up, and reach the water. 

Cute ones right? Love to spend time with their mothers. 

I celebrated my half time through my stay here by bringing over my dear and beloved boyfriend. It was so nice and I finally got to experience Toulouse. I haven't had so much fun and good time in a very long time. It was warm outside, 25 degrees at times, and sunny most of the time. I was very happy! 


Then it was monday again. A bit sad of course, since Jocke had gone, but also nice to restart my work with nice new energy so that I can finish in time and get my degree. When it was time for lunch, my supervisor told me there would be a "pot" meaning drinks with the department. I had completely missed that it was St Patricks day and that the department decided to have their monthly lunch together this day. People brought drinks and foods (I love France for not caring about drinking alkohol in the midle of the day), everyone had a a nice time, and the hot summer was of course there to join us. 

In the down corner at the right is my friend Aroa, a newly arrived 
spanish girl that will stay at INRA for three months as me!

Sorry I had a gap in my writing, it wont happen again :)

torsdag 6 mars 2014


So, the weather is quite nice. The report writing is quite nice. I'm writing my material and methods part right now, which should be finished by the week-end. During the weekend you'll find me on my terrace, pondering on what questions can be answered with all of my data, and what analyses to do next week. 

In the evening, I'll finish my Harry Potter movies and maybe, just maybe, buy myself a half bottle of wine, tucs, cheese and stream the melodifestival from SVTplay. Which you can actuall do from France! Go Alcazar! Haha! But I don't know if I have reached that forever alone stage just yet. Time will tell. 

Jockes arrival is approaching! Which is why I took a look at the weather forecast. I think we'll find some things to do in the sun :)

söndag 2 mars 2014

1 month!

Today is my one month day here in Castanet. It's incredible how fast time goes by. I celebrated this day with a Body Sculpt, a Body Combat, and a Stretch class witch took the whole morning. On my way back, I discovered that spring has come to Castanet! Flowers everywhere, sun, and lots of people outside. Really nice to see actually! 

Yesterday I went to my CAF and Body Pump class in the morning, wrote on the litterature review in the project in the afternoon, and ended the evening with Harry Potter and the goblet of fire and kinder maxis. I cried so hard in the end, I actually was a bit ashamed of myself. Fortunately my tennant wasn't at home, I think she would have wondered what was going on with me. Tonight I'm going to try the order of phoenix, hope it doesn't end as bad as the previous one... 

Anyway! next week I'll be going to count the rabbits (that go out from the nest) for the last time on monday, and on wednesday we're going to weight all the does and I'm going to observe the does' behaviours. The rest of the week I will write the material and methods part of the project report and maybe start analyzing some of my results. I am progressing in other words! Which feels very good. In 10 days from now, Jocke will come visit me, and I'm so excited! After that, almost all of my weekends are booked with everything from Bléré to Alex firend Nico. Time is going to fly in other words. 

Flowers and sun everywhere!

The view from my balcony.

This is my best sign when biking to INRA. 
At SLU we love abbreviations, a passion that apparently also is shared with INRA.

And with these pictures I wish you a good afternoon!